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10 novembre 2013 7 10 /11 /novembre /2013 10:38

"Survivors walk on a road after super Typhoon Yolanda battered Tacloban City in central Philippines Friday. Possibly the strongest typhoon ever to hit land devastated provinces in Visayas, killing at least 100 people, turning houses into rubble and flooding the city in a surge of ocean water. Photo by Erik De Castro, Reuters"






DIAPORAMA. Le typhon Haiyan dévaste le centre des Philippines : les dernières images





A Tacloban, ville détruite par le cyclone. Le samedi 10 novembre.


Today when i wake up and see the news on the web, i really feel so ANGRY and USELESS for all death from my country where i was born ... Yesterday they said 1 000 deads ... And now they announced 10 000 ... and tomorrow how much ????



I really grief for them !! I'm very sad today for all of this, that makes me just crazy when i saw how people do with news ... In France, they just annoy us for weeks with a leonardo teen girl whom i don't really even care !!!! Or a killed robber by jewelry seller ?? And for one or 2 death in our country or another in the world !!!! It's a Huge and so IMPORTANT news to be known !!!!! And now, when there a huge NEED for HELP in one of the poorest country on earth, what do they do ?? Do they even care for them ???!!!???? 10 0000 DEADS HUMAN PEOPLE and much much more to come in Vietnam is it ENOUGH to really bother the media and wake up all the good people whom who they are the elite !!!! Our LEADERS of our so great and free so called democracy and republic just needs to DO something RIGHT NOW !!!!!



And stop annoying us with those little things that even almost citizens of this nice planet don't even care !!!!! That's the matter in here ???? Just a question of MONEY !!!! And MONEY is just MADNESS !!!!! SO TIME TO CHANGE NOW !!! Don't you remember the tsunami in 2001 that made almost a million of deaths ... Time for the press to focus not on their middle belly ( nombril in french ;) but on NEWS THAT REALLY MATTTER for HUMANITY in all his globality !!!!!!!! Thanks for those who will help and do something to contain this dramactic catastrophy !!!! I am thinking of finding a lot of money and food in a GOOD ONG that i'm sure they will have all of it !!!! So share and talk about this !!!! THANK YOU !! In my next huge Esport event to come i will certainly give 10 or 20 % of my benefits to help and do something !!! That's for sure !!! Could you do something ??








Des habitants de Tacloban (Philippines) marchent au milieu des ruines, le 10 novembre 2013.

"Des milliers de morts, des villes détruites sur des kilomètres, un bilan qui pourrait atteindre 10 000 morts... Les Philippines sont dévastées dimanche 10 novembre après le passage du super typhon Haiyan sur l'archipel. Correspondant permanent de France 2 en Asie, Alain de Chalvron vient d'arriver dans la capitale, Manille.

Pour francetv info, il raconte ses premières constatations.

Francetv info : quelle est la situation à Manille ?

Alain de Chalvron : D'habitude le dimanche, la ville de Manille grouille de monde. Mais là, tout est calme, les gens sont littéralement hébétés. De mémoire d'homme, ils n'ont jamais vu ça, alors que chaque année, les Philippines  subissent une dizaine de typhons. Samedi, les vents ont dépassé les 350 km/h. En fait, c'est un tsunami qui a ravagé ce territoire.

A Manille , les populations sont également dévastées par l'inquiétude sur le sort de leurs parents. Des régions entières sont, en effet, encore inaccessibles et totalement isolées du reste du pays. En particulier là où le typhon a touché terre, à Guiuan. Et c'est une ville de plus de 40 000 habitants. J'ai donc croisé des dizaines de personnes désespérées dans la capitale."


"TACLOBAN - One of the most powerful storms recorded killed at least 10,000 people in the central Philippines, a senior police official said on Sunday, with huge waves sweeping away entire coastal villages and devastating the region's main city.

Super typhoon Yolanda (international name: Haiyan) destroyed about 70 to 80 percent of the area in its path as it tore through Leyte province on Friday, said police chief superintendent Elmer Soria.

As rescue workers struggled to reach ravaged villages along the coast, where the death toll is as yet unknown, survivors foraged for food as supplies dwindled or searched for lost loved ones.

"People are walking like zombies looking for food," said Jenny Chu, a medical student in Leyte. "It's like a movie."

Most of the deaths appear to have been caused by surging sea water strewn with debris that many described as similar to a tsunami, leveling houses and drowning hundreds of people in one of the worst natural disasters to hit the typhoon-prone Southeast Asian nation.

The national government and disaster agency have not confirmed the latest estimate of deaths, a sharp increase from initial estimates on Saturday of at least 1,000 killed by storm whose sustained winds reached 195 miles per hour (313 km per hour) with gusts of up to 235 mph (378 kph).

"We had a meeting last night with the governor and the other officials. The governor said, based on their estimate, 10,000 died," Soria told Reuters. "The devastation is so big."

More than 330,900 people were displaced and 4.3 million "affected" by the typhoon in 36 provinces, the U.N.'s humanitarian agency said, as relief agencies called for food, water and tarpaulins for the homeless.

Witnesses and officials described chaotic scenes in Leyte's capital, Tacloban, a coastal city of 220,000 about 580 km (360 miles) southeast of Manila, with hundreds of bodies piled on the sides of roads and pinned under wrecked houses."

"10.000 morts au moins, 70 à 80% de la zone traversée par le typhon dévastée… Les dégâts sur le centre des Philippines sont très importants, notamment à Tacloban City. Voici ce que disent les témoins des destructions du super typhon Haiyan:

«Les survivants marchent comme des zombies, à la recherche de nourriture. On dirait un film.» Jenny Chu, étudiante en médecine à Leyte. [REUTERS]

«Depuis un hélicoptère, on peut mesurer le niveau des destructions. Depuis la côte jusqu’à un kilomètre à l’intérieur des terres, il ne reste plus un seul bâtiment debout. On dirait qu’un tsunami a tout ravagé.» Le ministre de l’Intérieur Manuel Roxas.

«Tacloban City est dévastée. La ville est un horrible paysage fait de bâtiments défoncés et arbres complètement arrachés. Il y a des pillages, et des cadavres en décomposition à l’air libre. Le typhon a frappé rapidement et n'a pas duré longtemps, seulement quelques heures, mais il a touché la ville avec une incroyable férocité. Au plus fort de la tempête, la fenêtre de notre hôtel a explosé et le béton a tremblé sous l'impact des débris volants. Des immeubles voisins ont été réduits en poussière."

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"Rien de grand dans l'Histoire sans PASSION !!"


